Human Rights

As a Danish company, RINGSTED DUN is a member of the BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative), a European initiative aimed at improving social conditions and reducing environmental impact. The BSCI is the European monitoring and control system for business ethics and social responsibility.
RINGSTED DUN therefore plays an active role in combating child labour, discrimination and slave labour, and ensuring compliance with minimum pay and conditions. The BSCI is a member of the United Nations Global Compact.
Furthermore RINGSTED DUN is a member of The Danish Ethical Trading Initiative (DIEH)
DIEH is a member organization and a resource centre, which seeks to identify and promote good practices and develop practical solutions to ethical dilemmas. The overall aim is to promote international trade and responsible supply chain management that support the 10 principles of UN Global Compact. The focus is on implementing corporate codes of practice covering human rights and working conditions in the global supply chain, which contribute to sustainable development in developing countries and the new economies.